C%2b%2b To Java Converter


C to Java Translation Automatic, Complete, Correct; Low Cost + Low Risk We translate C source code to Java source code. The translation is completely automatic, supports the entire C language and creates functionally equivalent Java code - ready to be executed. Key Differences Between C and Java. The key difference between C and Java are explained in the below-mentioned points: C and Java’s main key difference is the programming paradigm that tells us that C is procedure oriented and Java is data oriented.; C does not support the OOPs concept, whereas its counterpart supports OOPs.Thus Java suited when one has to relate things according to the real. I was wondering if there is a good tool that can convert from C to Java. I remember seeing one such tool on github a long time back, but I can't find it anymore. It doesn't have to be a perfect translation; even if it gets me half-way there, it would help reduce the drudgery of manual translation. C to Java Converter is intended to reduce the amount of work you'll have to do to convert code to Java, but it is just the first step. You should not attempt to convert code that is heavily dependent on pointer arithmetic or template metaprogramming since these features are only practical in C. Q: What about function pointers?

  1. C/C++

[Hint: The idea is to create pages for the stuff, not just link it.]

There a various tools which make it easier to bridge the gap between Python and C/C++:

Tool to convert Java source to C++ source - Stack Overflow
  • Pyrex - write your extension module on Python

  • Cython -- Cython -- an improved version of Pyrex

  • CXX - PyCXX - helper lib for writing Python extensions in C++

  • ctypes is a Python module allowing to create and manipulate C data types in Python. These can then be passed to C-functions loaded from dynamic link libraries.

  • elmer - compile and run python code from C, as if it was written in C

  • PicklingTools is a collection of libraries for exchanging Python Dictionaries between C++ and Python.

  • weave - include C code lines in Python program (deprecated in favor of Cython)

  • ackward exposes parts of Python's standard library as idiomatic C++

  • CFFI - interact with almost any C code from Python, based on C-like declarations that you can often copy-paste from header files or documentation.


C/C++ Binding Generators

Tools to make C/C++ functions/methods accessible from Python by generating binding (Python extension or module) from header files.

  • boost.python - Expose C++ classes functions and objects to Python, and vice-versa, using just C++ compiler

  • PyAutoC - Automatically wrap C functions and structs, using just C compiler.

  • pwig is a SWIG extension for writing new language modules in Python.

  • PyBindGen Python bindings code generator for pure C or C++ APIs. The generator is written in Python and has low complexity. The generated code is lean, efficient, and highly readable

  • shiboken - Binding Generator used to create PySide Python bindings for Qt

  • SIP - similar to SWIG but specialised for Python and C++. Used to create PyQt, the Qt API wrapper library

  • SWIG - generate extension module from your .h files

  • pybind11 - Similar to Boost.Python, but with a lean header-only implementation for C++11-capable compilers.

  • pyclif - Google tool. Similar to SWIG, but user-friendly and targeted only C++11 well-written libs.

  • cppyy - Fast, automatic, Python-C++ bindings, including run-time template instantiations, cross-inheritance, auto-casting, etc.

  • Scapix Language Bridge - generates Python (and other languages) bindings directly from C++ headers.


  • Using Python as glue SciPy Documentation

  • Building Hybrid Systems with Boost.Python in C/C++ User Journal (2003)

  • Integrating Python, C and C++, presented at the ACCU conference by Duncan Booth (2003)
  • Embedding Python in Multi-Threaded C/C++ Applications in LinuxJournal (2000)


  • AppsWithPythonScripting

  • Python4Delphi - Python for Delphi is a set of free components that wrap up the Python Dll into Delphi. (https://github.com/pyscripter/python4delphi)

  • F2PY - Fortran to Python Interface Generator (http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/)

  • PyFort - The Python-Fortran connection tool (http://pyfortran.sourceforge.net/)

  • CLPython - Python implemented in Common Lisp

  • Lython (archived page) - Lisp front-end for Python

  • Pymacs - integration of Python with Emacs Lisp

  • PyLog (actually two different products)

  • prolog a simple interface to SWI-Prolog

  • bedevere - Python wrapper to GNU Prolog http://bedevere.sourceforge.net/

  • pwig includes examples of wrapping Python for SWI-Prolog.

  • pyswip is a ctypes based module that enables querying SWI-Prolog.

See also http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Python+prolog

  • Jython - Python implemented in Java

  • JPype - Allows Python to run java commands

  • Jepp - Java embedded Python

  • JCC - a C++ code generator for calling Java from C++/Python

  • Javabridge - a package for running and interacting with the JVM from CPython

  • py4j - Allows Python to run java commands.

  • voc - Part of BeeWare suite. Converts python code to Java bytecode.

  • p2j - Converts Python code to Java. No longer developed.

  • ActiveState supports Python .NET.

  • Python for .NET is a near-seamless integration of the CPython runtime with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR).

  • IronPython is an implementation of Python for .net, which allows you to import .net class libraries seamlessly in Python.

See http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/17202/fid/1102

  • PyPerlhttp://search.cpan.org/dist/pyperl/

  • Inline::Python

  • PyPerlish - Perl idioms in Python

For converting/porting Perl code to Python the tool 'Bridgekeeper' http://www.crazy-compilers.com/bridgekeeper/ may be handy.

  • PiP (Python in PHP) http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jon/projects/pip/

  • PHP 'Serialize' in Python http://hurring.com/scott/code/python/serialize/ (broken link; see the Web Archive Wayback Machine for the latest working version)

  • RPy http://rpy.sourceforge.net

  • RSPython http://www.omegahat.net/RSPython

  • http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net/

Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer | LeetCode 1290 | C , Java, PythonBecause
  • elmer - compile and run python code from Tcl, as if it was written in Tcl

  • TclPython - A package for Tcl that allows you to pass strings of Python code from a Tcl environment to a Python (Python 2.x or 3.x) interpreter.

  • Tcl and other languages - Tcl's equivalent of this page.

  • LunaticPython - a two-way bridge between Python and Lua.

  • Lupa - fast wrapper for LuaJIT2 written in Cython.

  • Lux - a mutant Lua emphasizing interoperation with Python, Perl, etc.

  • Pycaml - write Python extension modules in OCaml (instead of C), and use Python code and native libraries from OCaml programs.

  • Eiffel/Haskell http://epolyglot.sourceforge.net/ (last updated 2001)

  • PythonVsHaskell has a section 'Using both Python & Haskell with ctypes'.

  • LotusNoteshttp://www.dominopower.com/issuesprint/issue200008/command.html

  • PostgreSQLhttp://www.linuxgazette.com/issue80/nielsen.html

  • RenderManhttp://www.lysator.liu.se/~ture/terry.html

  • CorbaPython: for a generic solution to language integration

C%2b%2b To Java Converter

to name a few. There are much more...

  • Yaml: http://www.yaml.org

C2J, A C++ To Java Translator

Thinki: UsingPythonWithOtherLanguages