Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons

  1. Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons For Sale
  2. Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons List
  3. Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons
  4. Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons Pdf
  5. Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons Location

“Reiterpistolelefthand” by Memecry2 – Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons

There has been a new episode of the Miskatonic University podcast. This time their guest is Brian Sammons, who talks about a number of upcoming projects – editing World War Cthulhu (a fiction anthology), the scenario collection Doors to Darkness, and his campaign A Time to Harvest (about which he says very little, but consider my interest piqued). I kind of wished they had asked about his work in the 7th Ed revamp of Arkham Unveiled, but I suppose that will come eventually… They also talk about guns (auto-fire, shotguns, and ‘howdah pistols’ specifically) but, inexplicably, don’t mention Sixtystone’s outstanding Investigator Weapons vol. 1. I guess I know what I’m getting them for Christmas…

Call of Cthulhu is a role-playing survival horror video game developed by Cyanide and published by Focus Home Interactive for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. The game features a semi-open world environment and incorporates themes of Lovecraftian and psychological horror into a story which includes elements of. When an investigator is injured or wounded, subtract the loss from the amount currently shown on the investigators sheet. Unless a keeper decrees otherwise, or unless losing half or more of current hit points from a single attack, an injured investigator function normally until lowered to 2 hit points or fewer, and then goes unconscious or dies. Specifically designed for Call of Cthulhu in the Classic era, Investigator Weapons features several dozens of firearms available during the Inter-war period to discerning investigators of the Mythos and their crazed cultist opponents. Call of Cthulhu 6: Investigator Weapons: Sixtystone Press: Call of Cthulhu 6: King of Chicago/Secret of Marseille: Chaosium SmiteWorks: Call of Cthulhu 6: Mysteries Setting Monographs: Chaosium: Call of Cthulhu 5.5-7: Pulp Cthulhu line: Chaosium: Call of Cthulhu 7: Rise of the Dead: Chaosium: Call of Cthulhu 6: S. Petersen's Field Guides. Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Cheatsheet v1.4 Skill Checks. (Firearms and Thrown weapons always require a skill roll). Melee (Brawl) Attacks. Check failing a pushed casting roll on page 178. Successful SAN roll cure the investigator. 51-95: No progress. Regain 1 magic point per hour. 96-100: Remove 1D6 SAN. Wounds and Healing.

Protodimension magazine still needs submissions for its next issue. This is something I am particularly attuned to working on the Arkham Gazette; I’m checking my folder of half baked ideas seeing if I have something they might find useful.

After some discussion here in our comments section, I’ve decided to lower my pledge (temporarily) for Pagan’s Horrors of War scenario collection Kickstarter to $1 to show my support for a PDF release of the book. I may not work, but I truly do think the lack of a PDF option is holding the project (which I have been eagerly awaiting for many years now) back. (For example, the Feng-Shui 2 Kickstarter, which I’m sure is a fine game but one I am utterly indifferent to despite Robin Laws all but leaping from my iPhone and insisting I buy a copy, has hit $30,000 in under 24 hours. Golden Goblin Press’ Horrore Cosmico Kickstarter is closing on $17,000 after less than a week. Please John Crowe, reconsider a PDF option.)

Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons For Sale

Available at

When I first got this assignment, I was underwhelmed. Why on Earth would I care about guns from a century ago? I’m not the manliest guy in my gaming group. I zone out when people start talking weapons and cars. Tell me you’re shooting at the red convertible with your rifle and I’m good. I know for the Purists out there that is a lot more to it than that, but that’s your game, not mine. I’ll research a little out of love for my gamers, but I’ll be researching the occult side of the horror game quite a bit more.

I mention all of this because this book seemed to be akin to the ultra-horrible World of Darkness: Combat book or some lame D&D PDF for an arrowhead. As much as my ego forbids me to say this, I will: I was wrong about this book.

Call of cthulhu investigator weapons list

Maybe it’s the history buff in me or maybe I just like old weapons more than I thought. Whatever the reason, the angle this book took won me over. Now that I’ve gotten all personal with you, let me tell you about the darn thing.

What you get with this PDF is 130+ pages of information about weapons of the era along with a few extra files for charts and specially crafted Investigator sheets. And I should point out that this book is geared towards the player, not the Keeper (though any Keeper worth his or her salt will make excellent use of it).

Starting with the cover art, I liked the look. It breaks away from typical Call of Cthluhu or even Delta Green by having sexy Goth-inspired gun-molls emptying a Tommy gun while a grizzled Senior Citizen reminds you just how dangerous one has to be to make it to 65 while battling the Mythos’ many minions. The artwork is a mix of drawings, photography, old advertisements, and more. It’s a terrific blend of flavors the fit the writing so very well. The layout of the book is simple, but with enough fonts and layout tricks that it has a certain Great Gatsby feel to it. The great charts seemed free of contradictions though I confess I should let one of my weapon-loving friends take a closer look at those bits.

Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons List

Vortisch’s take on the subject won me over after only a few pages into the book. Yes, this is a book on weapons of the 1920s and 30s. A slew of gun and knife drawings like those from the old Palladium collections would have left this gamer cold. Instead, he opens with rule tweaks for Call of Cthluhu. Readers get rules for shooting when it’s too cold or too hot, shooting at something underwater, quick draws, and much more. It then delves into the world’s views on weapons during these twenty years. Want to know how Australian authorities might react to your group of Investigators having a shootout in downtown Sydney? See page 20. Page 25 tells readers where their characters can purchase guns in key cities, along with a street address for those lazy Keepers.

Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons

And it is in these details that this book comes out a winner. By the time I reached pictures of guns with their stats beside them, I was hooked. Pistols lead to rifles, which leads to bigger and better things. Before the reader knows it, they are on the chapter about flamethrowers and grenades.

Call of cthulhu investigator weapons mod

And everyone knows how fun it can be to lob that single explosive in the ever-forgiving Call of Cthluhu setting.


70% or so of the book is game stats for firearms, but each weapon gets enough treatment into their history and the likelihood of happening upon them that the research to make this book happen impressed me repeatedly. I didn’t want to like this book, but I did. I think fans of the game or weapon buffs will too.

Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons Pdf

Review by Todd Cash

Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Weapons Location

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